Las Vegas Compulsive Eaters Anonymous – HOW

Existing members can login in here.

Many people suffer from the diseases of overeating, bulimia and anorexia. Thousands have found relief and hope by joining Compulsive Eaters Anonymous – Honesty, Open Mindedness, Willingness (CEA – HOW). We have online meetings most days of the week. For information about these meetings, please contact us.

Scroll down this page for answers to frequently asked questions.

Follow us on social media:
– Facebook: CEAHowNevada
– Instagram:
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– X (formerly known as Twitter): @CEAHOWLV

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m really interested. How do I get started?

Click here and someone will contact you and help you get started.

What is CEA-HOW?

CEA-HOW is a 12-step program in which we meet to help our common problem of compulsive eating. We consider the phrase “compulsive eating” is to include overeating, binge eating, anorexia, bulimia, and other food-related compulsive behaviors.

A 12-step program is a spiritual, non-religious program which provides a set of guiding principles outlining a course of action for recovery from addiction or compulsion.

CEA-HOW is based on Alcoholic’s Anonymous 12 step program created by Bill W. and Dr. Bob in 1935.

What does the acronym “CEA-HOW” stand for?

Compulsive Eaters Anonymous – HOW Concept.  HOW stands for Honest Openminded Willing.

What does your program cost?

CEA-HOW is not a commercial weight loss program. There are no dues or fees to join.

I am overweight. How much weight can I lose?

This will vary depending on whatever you need to get a normal weight. Members have lost between 20 and 100’s of pounds. Some members do not need to lose weight, and instead use the program to recover from anorexia, bulimia, or other forms of an eating disorder.

How long will I have to do the program?

We work on it a day at a time; however, you initially start with a 30-day program.

What kind of food will I eat?

We eat protein, fruit, vegetables, fats, and whole grains.

Is special food required?

No, our members eat regular food. You can easily find everything in your local grocery store.

Which foods will I not eat?

We abstain from sugar and flour. We also abstain from eating large quantities of food.

Does the CEA-HOW program require exercise?

No, members have lost all their weight without exercise.

Do I have to go to meetings?

We do attend meetings where we support and help one another.

How does this program differ from Overeaters Anonymous?

We have a structured food plan that everyone follows.

Why does CEA-HOW abstain from sugar and flour?

Sugar and flour in our bodies makes us crave more food. We discover if we refrain from eating sugar and flour, the craving will go away. We stop being so “hungry”.

Why should I do CEA-HOW instead of the other commercial or 12-step programs?

We offer a disciplined and structured program. Our members have experienced significant weight loss and long term-maintenance.

For most of us, the program addresses the root cause of our eating disorder in whatever form it takes – compulsive eating, binge eating, anorexia, bulimia, etc.

Many of our members describe their experiences in the program as “miraculous” and “life changing”.

For more details, check out How do I Get Started?